On this blog, I attempt to merge two of my most passionate interests: music and comics. Often, this “blending” occurs with huge, jagged edges. Not today.In the first few pages of Phonogram we get references to The Buzzcocks, Le Tigre, and Kula Shaker, and explanation of “what early 90s riot-grrrl grew up into,” and the breakdown of our young male hipster’s wardrobe, down to his (non)ironic Superman T.Writer Kieron Gillen is a fellow music journalist, although of the more professional and active sort. And like all good prosaic purveyors of pop, Gillen does more than tell the story and sell the scene, he turns it into poetry. Jamie McKelvie, who handled artistic duties on the competent-but-soulless mod love story Long Hot Summer (also from Image), provides the gray-scaled characters and settings with a sharp wit and unique personality.But Phonogram is not just another static hipster foray into sequential storytelling. In the world of Phonogram, music is magic, and I don’t mean metaphorically. I don’t know all the details so far, but from what I can figure Gillen has crafted a reality in which phonomancer’s alter physics or the other sciences using pop music. In the tradition of Hellblazer, our protagonist/narrator David Kohl is one of the magicians, although apparently not a great one.But you don’t have to take any of my word on any of this. You can hop on over to the site and read a ten-page preview. I promise you won’t be disappointed. If you are, then you just suck.

The other day, I realized that the decade is half over, that the first five years of the millennium had past us by, barely leaving a scent of knock-off Tommy Girl in the bathroom. Poor 2001-5, she was a manic girl, and I’ll always have these albums to remember her by
- The Shins Oh, Inverted World
- Spoon Girls Can Tell
- Sufjan Stevens Illinois
- Ted Leo & The Pharmacists Hearts of Oak
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Howl
- Neko Case Blacklisted
- The Decemberists Picaresque
- The Liars They Threw Us in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top
- Joanna Newsom The Milk-Eyed Mender
- TV on the Radio Young Liars
- Low Things We Lost in the Fire
- . . . And You Will You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags & Codes
- Radiohead Amnesiac
- The Aracde Fire Funeral
- Regina Spektor Soviet Kitsch
- Party of Helicopters Please Believe It
- Whiskeytown Pneumonia
- Mogwai Rock Action
- Broken Social Scene You Forgot It In People
- Interpol Antics
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs Yeah Yeah Yeahs [Master EP]
- The Unicorns Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone
- Notwist Neon Golden
- Xiu Xiu Fabulous Muscles
- Fugazi The Argument
- The Faint Danse Macabre
- Anti-Pop Consortium Arrhymthmia
- Death Cab for Cutie The Photo Album
- Idlewild 100 Broken Windows
- Mos Def & Talib Kweli Black Star
- Elliott Smith From a Basement on the Hill
- Ghostface The Pretty Toney Album
- Antony & The Johnsons I Am a Bird Now
- Björk Vespertine
- Ugly Cassanova Sharpen Your Teeth
- Clinic Internal Wrangler
- Forget Cassettes Instruments of Action
- The Raveonettes Whip It On
- Le Tigre Feminist Sweepstakes
- Danger Doom The Mouse & the Mask
- Sonic Youth Murray Street
- Dresden Dolls Dresden Dolls
- Kanye West The College Dropout
- The Blood Brothers March On Electric Children
- The White Stripes White Blood Cells
- The Velvet Teen Out of the Fierce Parade
- Saul Williams Saul Williams
- The Kills No Wow Now
- Q & Not U No Kill No Beep Beep
- Cat Power You Are Free
- The Fiery Furnaces Blueberry Boat
- Hot Cross Cryonics
- Jose Gonzalez Veneer
- Cursive Burst & Bloom
- Red Sparowes At the Soundless Dawn
- Desparasidos Read Music Speak Spanish
- Koufax Social Life
- The Paper Chase God Bless Your Black Heart
- The Constantines Shine A Light
There you have it: one album for each month. I never used an artist more than once and did not include compilations, soundtracks, etc. These are mostly my personal favs, along with some I think deserve recognition. I may annotate this list later on.
Please leave your comments about your own favs, what I forgot, or suggestions for artists you’d like to know more about.
Coming Soon: Batman takes on the Man of Steel
“The distribution system in this country is designed to turn every multiplex into an idiot convention.”During this week’s Ebert & Roeper, Roger Ebert made this statement in reference to the unfortunate circumstances regarding many of the movies they recommend. They simply don’t get the wide releases they deserve. I remember driving 2.5 hours to see City of God shortly after its original American release. It was originally re-released nationwide, but how was I to predict this? So in honor of this sad state of affairs, I’d like to discuss a couple bands you’re unlikely to hear on your local FM radio, unless your one of those lucky people close to a quality radio station.Blonde RedheadHas been recording quality records since 1993. Their debut, self-titled release was appropriately produced by Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley. Blonde Redhead owe a lot of their sound to Sonic Youth, but also other No Wave acts (Their name is a reference to a DNA song.), Brit Pop (such as Pulp), and various alternative acts.The band has released six full-lengths, including their most recent, Misery is a Butterfly (2004, 4AD). BR are somewhat theatrical, and many of their albums follow themes. Misery focuses much attention on founding member Kazu Makino’s accident involving a horse. The band’s previous album, Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons, like Misery, was produced by Fugazi/Rites of Spring juggernaut Guy Picciotto. I consider Melody (2000, Touch & Go) to be one of the greatest indie rock albums ever.If you ever have to escape a serial killer or monster in a black-and-white horror film, “A Cure” from
Melody will be your soundtrack as you sprint down the spiraling stairs of your dingy fifth-floor apartment.Download “A Cure”cLOUDDEADHipsters who say, “I like everything except country and rap,” are idiots. First of all, if you don’t like Johnny Cash, you’re a soulless Philistine. Secondly, if you don’t like Wu-Tang, you’re a sucka. Thirdly, this imaginary person has obviously never heard the lo-fi, quirky goodness that is cLOUDDEAD. Take “Bike, Pt. 2” the closing track from the group’s 2001 eponymous album (a collection of their singles, etc.). The “song” appears as a collection of freestyles over DJ Shadow-worthy samples between various found sounds and noise, culminating in a rap over a digital metronome, a simple drumbeat, and the guitar track from Townes Van Zant’s cover of “Dead Flowers.” (I’m guessing here.)cLOUDDEAD is comprised of Doseone (Themselves, 13 and God), why?, and odd nosdam. This all-star collection of West Coast lap-hop artists from anticon. and Mush Records have a worthy back catalogue of solo material and other group projects, but together they’ve produced some of the most interesting and dynamic work indie rap has seen.Download “Bike, Pt. 2”So let me know: What do you think about your radio?Blonde Redhead on InsoundcLOUDDEAD on Insound