Sep 23, 2008

Tuesday Tidal Wave

Today has to be one of the greatest release dates in some time. Here's the list of albums I'm going to be sinking my ears into over the next few weeks (in order of listening priority):

Cold War Kids Loyalty to Loyalty
: CWK aren't my favorite group on the list (yet), but they have a sound that's all there own. I haven't heard anything like Cold War Kids since Robbers and Cowards.

Mogwai The Hawk is Howling: If you get Mogwai, you get Mogwai. And they just keep getting better.

TV on the Radio Dear Science: Like CWK, no one quiet does it like these New Yorkers. Take Peter Gabriel, make him the front man of Souldive, then have the band do gospel covers. That's one TV on the Radio.

Jenny Lewis Acid Tongue: Rabbit Fur Coat was one of my most surprising albums of the last few years. I've always thought of Rilo Kiley (Lewis's band) as above average, but her side-project with The Watson Twins really exposed her songwriting abilities and ranked her with the likes of Neko Case. Jenny Lewis is "truly" solo this time.

Blitzen Trapper Furr: As someone who cringes at the Grateful Dead, I'm amazed how much I can get into tracks like "Country Caravan" from last year's Wild Mountain Naiton. The cover's kinda 80s metal (Valient Thor, anyone?), but lets hope the sound's still early 00s Wilco.

I'll be reviewing these albums as I absorb them, and I'm sure at least a couple will make my end-of-the-year list.

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