Dec 27, 2008
Best Songs of 2008 (Part 3)
4. "White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes from Fleet Foxes
Other than the torrent of vocal harmonies, there's almost no song here. Two or three guitar parts and one drum complete the melody. But that's enough. The two-and-half-minute playtime complements the theory at work here. Fleet Foxes remind us, conversely to most Brian Wilson disciples, that less is more.
3. "Get Better" by Mates of State from Re-arrange Us
"Get Better" is the anthem of 2008, a year when the elections, an economic entanglement, and political scandals trumped all other stories. The married duo's most ambitious song ever proclaims, "Everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better," which is precisely what's happened in the last couple months. Post-election, our problems haven't really improved, but that buzz word "hope" has made out future prospects build like a cathartic drumbeat.
2. "Kim & Jessie" by M83 from Saturday = Youth
Just when it seemed like that whole 80s revival was on it's down curve, Anthony Gonzalez digs up his roots on his 2008 effort. Stephanie Meyer references aside, "Kim & Jessie" is a firmly contemporary track in spite of its retroness. There's a dark optimism here, a reminder of the bliss of teenagedom tinted with the e[c]lect[r]ic struggles of a post-911 world. It's the pop song by J.G. Ballard.
Be sure to comment on your favorite tracks of 2008. Later this week, I'll post #1, as well as the rest of my song and album lists.
Dec 18, 2008
Best Songs of 2008 (Part 2)
Dec 16, 2008
Best Songs of 2008 (Part 1)
Dec 14, 2008
Top 10 Albums of 2008 (Version 1.0)
Dec 13, 2008
Musical Comedy and Musical Lists
Things have been good for musical comedy lately, mostly thanks to Flight of the Conchords, but some of the best recent efforts have come from the Lonely Island crew/SNL Digital Shorts with their improved production values, especially on their latest effort, "Jizz in My Pants."
I also recommend "Space Olympics" for fans of Casshern or VNV Nation.
You can also check out the results of the Pitchfork Reader's Poll and their Best of 2008 Guest List, featuring picks from some today's best artists. Reoccuring themes include Beach House, Deerhunter, and--my personal pick--Why?.
Dec 4, 2008
Artist of the Year: Amanda Palmer

May 20, 2008: Dresden Dolls release No, Virginia, the sequel to last year's splendid Yes, Virginia. Basically a collection of tracks rescued from the Yes, Virginia's cutting-room floor, No, Virgina is worthy of some consideration. (A Radiohead's Amnesiac to Kid A analogy my be helpful.) Tracks like "Dear Jenny," and "Night Reconnaissance," and the duo's cover of "Pretty in Pink" highlight the album.
September 16, 2008: Dresden Dolls's lead singer and pianist releases her first solo album, Who Killed Amanda Palmer? Any doubters of this Ben Folds-produced album were proven wrong by the variety of genres, emotions, and references packed into 12 tracks.
Amanda also produced a video for almost every track, most of which follow a cohesive narrative structure. The cabaret-inspired video for "Leeds United" (see below) has sparked quite the story.
November 22, 2008: Dresden Dolls fanboard The Shadowbox comes alive with indignation towards boy-club, butt-rock-and-metal label Road Runner's feedback about the "Leeds United" video. Amanda says they wanted to edited out her "belly." Her fans reacted by stuffing the net with belly shots. (No, not that kind.)
Palmer has given the label an ultimatum, wishing to be released from her (and I suppose Dresden Doll's) contract. This comes even after the label tried to spin the bad press.
Internet memes aside, 2008 amounts to a great year for Amanda Palmer, who unanimously wins Stoplight Sleep's Artist of the Year award. Congrats! Now don't fill up on cake at the party, you'll never get a new records deal, Ms. Palmer.
I went to football-gang brawl and a post-modern cabaret video broke out!
Nov 9, 2008
The Truth in You
Mimi came up with a game for us:
I love games! Here are the instructions from her post:
Step 1: Put your music player on random.
Step 2: Post the first line (or so, some are hard) from the first 21 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone guess what SONG AND ARTIST the lines come from (No lyric hunting! That is cheating!).
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: After doing the 1st 21, listen to one more random song and post it as your title.
My 21:
- I won't sing your algebra. I won't sing anything. Notwist - "Alphabet" (WTG, deg5000)
- I'm working on my backwards walk. Frightened Rabbit - "Backwards Walk" (WTG, Anna)
- You take the time to cut my head off.
- Who be in a Japanese restaurant, eating sushi, drinking saki? It's me . . .
- She said . . . She said . . . She said she could tempt me, both in rooms full and empty. Tricky - "She Said" (WTG, Anna)
- Cowardice muscles turn to tourture. The waking time is low.
- The community is sick. (Please believe.) And the community is blind. (In love and hope.)
- Yeah! Wa-ho! There's something in the air. Digitalism - "Pogo" (WTG, Anna)
- As if in a dream only one man can know, he tastes the dirt; he chews the dirt.
- I used to be so proud of thinking I was such a liar.
- Sample: [Funky life?] I've been told, "all that glitters is not gold."
- After all the words we sing, I've got my eyes on the machine.
- Found your mittens behind a box of pictures.
- Morning scatters in and I am steady like a drug, feeling out this one.
- [after intro] Hey, you, get off my cloud! You don't know me, and you don't know my style.
- The roof is leaking rust, disintegrates, and dust.
- Things are feeling thin. Well, I know. I know.
- Sometimes it's hard to be a woman, giving all your love to just one man.Dresden Dolls - "Stand by Your Man" [Live Tammy Wynette cover] (WTG, yummygatalover.)
- He led you to this hiding place. His lightening threats spun silver tongues.
- Well, everybody is waiting for everybody to get out.
- The moon hangs high in August sky. All questions cease where answers lie.
Nov 8, 2008
All-Time Top 10
Sep 23, 2008
Tuesday Tidal Wave
Cold War Kids Loyalty to Loyalty: CWK aren't my favorite group on the list (yet), but they have a sound that's all there own. I haven't heard anything like Cold War Kids since Robbers and Cowards.
Mogwai The Hawk is Howling: If you get Mogwai, you get Mogwai. And they just keep getting better.
TV on the Radio Dear Science: Like CWK, no one quiet does it like these New Yorkers. Take Peter Gabriel, make him the front man of Souldive, then have the band do gospel covers. That's one TV on the Radio.
Jenny Lewis Acid Tongue: Rabbit Fur Coat was one of my most surprising albums of the last few years. I've always thought of Rilo Kiley (Lewis's band) as above average, but her side-project with The Watson Twins really exposed her songwriting abilities and ranked her with the likes of Neko Case. Jenny Lewis is "truly" solo this time.
Blitzen Trapper Furr: As someone who cringes at the Grateful Dead, I'm amazed how much I can get into tracks like "Country Caravan" from last year's Wild Mountain Naiton. The cover's kinda 80s metal (Valient Thor, anyone?), but lets hope the sound's still early 00s Wilco.
I'll be reviewing these albums as I absorb them, and I'm sure at least a couple will make my end-of-the-year list.
Sep 3, 2008
Best New Music: Enemy Edition
In August, Ra Ra Riot finally released their first full length, featuring new tracks, a couple old ones, and some re-recordings. The Rhumb Line's enemies are bands like Death Cab and Cursive, who--although still good--have a lost a bit of their edge recently. RRR's ally, the influence of Fugazi, proposes to make this one of 2008's best.
Susu's enemy is all those people who can't stand the influences on the perpetual sleave of contemporary bands. Interpol, Editors, and A.R.E. Weapons are just a few of the newer acts who've received criticism for a lack of originality. I'll admit that none of these bands are going blow knowledgeable minds, but they can't all be Arcade Fire, Rasputina, or Radiohead. There's a value in doing a genre well, and Susu are doing their part to revive a bit of dirty, no-wave influenced indie rock. Unwound is reincartnated on Susu's new release, Win.
Brevity has been fighting a loosing battle against Red Sparowes for several years in song structure, but even more so in song naming. Those hungry for just a post-metal appetizer will be satisfied by their new EP, Aphorisms. With 3 tracks and a total of 17 minutes, this release will leave Red Sparowes's biggest fans (like myself), wanting more, but it's better than nothing. Screw you, Brevity! Mogwai's new album is around the corner.
Aug 4, 2008
No excuse . . .
Here's my recommendations for some amazing deals:
Wolf Parade At Mount Zoomer $5.99
Fleet Foxes Sun Giant EP $4.99
Red Sparowes Aphorisms $2.97
Queen A Night at the Opera $3.99
Hank Williams 20 . . . Greatest Hits $1.99
David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars $5.00
There's lots of other deals, too; just use the handy search-by-price links on the left.
Jul 29, 2008
2 1/2 Hours of Tom Waits
Glitter & Doom: Tom Waits in Concert
Jul 26, 2008
New Cold War Kids Track
Their new album Loyalty to Loyalty will be released in late September. You can sample a new track, Something is Not Right With Me, now by heading over to RCRD LBL. Pitchfork has tour dates and a stream of the track, if you prefer.

Jul 23, 2008
Best of 2008 (First Half)
The Dodos Visiter
Why? Alopecia
MGMT Oracular Spectacular
The Gutter Twins Saturnalia
The Kills Midnight Boom
Portishead Third
Los Campesions! Hold On Now Youngster
Hot Chip Made in the Dark
The Black Keys Attack & Release
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles
Adele 19
Atmosphere When Life Gives You Lemons, Paint That Shit Gold
M83 Saturday = Youth
Vetiver Thing of the Past
Mates of State Re-arrange Us
Justin Townes Earle The Good Life
Sigur Ros Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
Black Mountain In the Future
Single Frame S F E P
Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes
Jamie Lidell Jim
The Notwist The Devil, You + Me
Sons and Daughters The Gift
Ladytron Velocefiro
Islands Arms Way
Santogold Santogold
Cat Power Jukebox
She & Him Volume One
Joan as Police Woman To Survive
Saul Williams The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust
Ssion Fool's Gold
Scarlett Johansson Anywhere I Lay My Head
Girl Talk Feed the Animals
Sun Kil Moon April
I've also complied a Muxtape of some of my favorite 2008 songs.
Jul 21, 2008
Best of 2008 (First Half) Preview

Los Campesinos! Hold On Now, Youngster (87/100)
Los Campesinos! official site
Download Hold On Now, Youngster from Emusic.
Buy Hold On Now, Youngster from Amazon.
Buy the LP on Insound.
This album and more will be on the upcoming list. You'll also get an updated Muxtape with some of the best songs of 2008.
Jul 17, 2008
But to say that Microsoft was "Best in Show" was highly misleading. Neither Microsoft, Nintendo, nor Sony showed us anything worthy of the adverb big. There were lots of news, tons of footage of upcoming games, and cool new things revealed. I feel like third-party developers were the real winners this week. Exclusive titles are becoming less important, and more big titles are making jumps (FF13, Bioshock, etc.). This can only be good for fans.

Best of E3*
Resistance 2 (gameplay footage)
Fallout 3 (more revealed)
PS3 Video Store (support of major studios)
Fat Princess (PSN)
Fable 2 Co-op
Honorable Mention
Bioshock (PS3 exclusive content)
Resident Evil 5 and Silent Hill: Homecoming (more revealed)
Rock Band and Guitar Hero becoming more friendly (and here).
*Many of these were not E3 exclusive, but are related to the week's events.
E3 Let-downs
Netflix exclusive to Xbox.
Resident Evil 5 delayed till March.
Nintendo markets to moms and thinks Animal Crossing: City Folk is for hardcore gamers.
Jul 11, 2008
Bu Rant
There's been a lot of talk about Blu-Ray v. DVD v. download lately, but there are a couple things that don't get mentioned often in the debate.
1. Some Blu-Rays aren't really better.
Last week, I got House of Flying Daggers on Blu-Ray from Netflix. The story’s above average, and like Yimou Zhang’s previous film Hero, every shot is a work of art. However, the quality of the video on the disc was lacking. I can’t speak for the original theatrical release, but reviews and forum posts on the disc confirm the poor quality of the transfer. Even on my 32” Westinghouse, I could see lots of noise and was distracted by the lack of clarity within deep colors (a trademark of the director’s style).
More than a few Blu-Ray releases have been scarred by poor video (or audio) quality. Most recently, the Blu-Ray release of Gangs of New York has received some of the worst comments I’ve seen regarding video quality on a high-def disc. The original Fifth Element and Full Metal Jacket releases are examples of sub par releases where the studio has actually stepped up and remedied the situation with a new release.
2. Where are my special features?
One of the reasons I happily made the jump to DVD (other than video/span quality, lifespan, etc.) was for special features: deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes featurettes, commentaries, etc. One advantage that Blu-Ray boasts over DVD is the possibility for better special features: picture-in-picture commentaries, internet connectivity, and (with more space) more features.
Hellboy has seen several standard-def DVD releases, with the 3-disc director’s cut containing a wealth of bonus features, including a new commentary by the director. Fans who opt for the similarly priced Blu-Ray version will get a great video/audio bang for their buck, but will miss out on all the features found on the three-disc DVD.
Taking Gangs of New York as a case study again, the disc offers nothing that wasn’t on the two-disc DVD. The only apparent advantage of the Blu-Ray version, which costs $15 more, is the [assumed] jump in audio quality and not having to change discs halfway through the movie.
There are several examples of Blu-Ray releases that get everything right. Jumper is the best example I’ve seen. With next-gen commentary, an “animated” comic, and amazing video and audio quality, this release actually creates a highly enjoyable experience from a mediocre film.
If the big studios really want Blu-Ray to be the new media format (which is debatable), they’re going to have to do more than fatten release schedules and shrink the price gap; they’ll have to make all Blu-Rays obviously superior to their market-penetrated competition.
Apr 19, 2008
My Muxtape
Pop on over here. While you're there, make your own Muxtape and post the link in the comments.
The current Muxtape features tracks from my last post on the Kills.
Apr 8, 2008
Midnight Boom "Kills"
Until a couple weeks ago, I would have said that Hot Chip had released the best album of an adolescent 2008. Made in the Dark isn’t quite on par with last year’s Sound of Silver (LCD Soundsystem), but it comes from a similar sonic playground, including songs that can knock you down with shock and awe (“Shake a Fist”) and lull you into a meditative appreciation (“Wrestlers”).
When I finally got to pop Midnight Boom in my CD player, I felt the tingle that a friend had introduced me to with the first blips followed by the revving chainsaw of “Superstition” (track 1 of their debut, Keep on Your Mean Side). The first, confusing ten seconds of “U.R.A. Fever” follow landline sound effects into VV and Hotel’s endless supply of violently whispered haikus:
Pick you out a soda.
Look at you forever.
Eyes like a casino.
Find a piece of silver.
Go down to the
Put it in a fruit machine.
Everyone’s a winner.
Laughing like a seagull.
You are a fever . . .
“Take you to a jukebox . . . / Pick you out a number, / that’s our arrangement.”
Hip-hop roots decorate the proverbial sleeves of tracks like “Getting Down” and “Sour Cherry.” The Kills has always been the other side of The Bumblebeez garage-blues-for-B-boys coin (compare “Hook and Line” to the former’s “Step Back”), but Midnight Boom finds VV, Hotel, and their studio mates further exploring their metallic possibilities (Did Albini stop by with a metal pick?). There are new sounds, like the tricks that peers The White Stripes, Forget Cassettes, and Hot Chip have used to give their sound new dimensions.
With Midnight Boom, 2008 has found the spit and booze to shape its reckless youth, albeit one with decent taste.Mar 29, 2008
Record Shop
Circa 2001. I'm working at a regional music chain in Jackson, TN. This is both the best and worst job I've ever had. My musical vocabulary and frame of reference increases ten fold in the year or so I spend there, and I meet many people who positively influence my knowledge and taste. I also encounter countless "morons" who grate my nerves with their questionable taste and inane questions. Worst of all, I become a cultural elitist (partially due to the film education provided by a roommate and a video production course), a personality trait I have only wrestled into submission in the last couple years.
Present. Inspired by my newly acquired speakers, I've u-turned away from the internet as my primary source of new music. Over the last decade the mode of transfer from my music has shifted in much the same way as yours (you being the ubiquitous blog-reader) likely has: from exclusively CD to almost exclusively mp3 (or some other digital equivalent). Although I'm completely confident in the ability of a digital audio file to deliver an experience equal to that of CD, I'm not confident in the ability of my computer or iPod or internet storefronts to consistently deliver that experience. What follows is a list of my praise and gripes:
- The iPod classic and PC, while good in storage capacity, portability (iPod), and user friendliness, require add-ons (external DAC, controler/line-in adapter) for optimum performance.
- BLEEP, 7digital, Anthology Recordings, and similar sites have the quality right, but their selection is limited or caters toward a specific market.
- Amazon and iTunes (the two biggest digital music retailers) are headed in the right direction, but still aren't the perfect solution.
- Nine Inch Nails had a great idea with their latest release, but bandwidth was a problem early on.
During his appearance on All Songs Considered, Thom Yorke stated that he missed the experience of record shopping. My time shopping the decent-but-inadequate CD section of our local B&N became about an attempt to reclaim that music shop experience, and even though there was no one around who's taste I would turn to, I picked up the Nick Cave album that sat in my friend's recommendation slot by the counter.
I realize that the try-before-you-buy nature of mp3s and music blogs are a more efficient and streamlined method of achieving the same effect. But there's a unique experience in filing through rows of CDs or vinyl while chatting and listening to someone else's selection. I don't want to give up all that technology hath wrought, but I don't want to throw out the indie shops either.
In the spirit of that idea, and the upcoming Record Store Day, here are my favorite record stores:
Grimey's Nashville, TN
If I ever move to Nashville, this place will have something to do with that.
Memorable purchase: DJ Shadow Preemptive Strike (used vinyl)
Euclid Records St. Louis, MO
I've only been there once, but the layout, selection, and staff were all top-notch. I'll be making a visit soon.
Jason Molina Let Me Go, Let Me Go (vinyl/CD)
Last Chance Memphis, TN
Memorable Purchase: Hot Snakes Audit in Progress (vinyl)
Shangri-La Memphis, TN
Memorable purchase: Dead Kennedys Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables (used? vinyl)
When I lived farther down the Mississippi, these places (especially LC) were weekly stops.
The Disc Exchange Knoxville, TN
Another one I've only visited once . . . over five years ago, but they had a nice variety and friendly staff.
Memorable purchase: The White Stripes White Blood Cells (CD, original Sympathy for the Record industry release)
Mar 9, 2008
The Otto Modest

Nevertheless, I feel they're a band that people should hear about. Their 2007 release, Badbad can now be had on Emusic and other sites. If you get a chance to pick up the CD, you'll get a unique limited-edition cover.
Rather than say much about them, I'll point you to some links where you can hear them for yourself:
The official Otto Modest site
The Otto Modest on myspace
Buy Badbad on Emusic
Buy Badbad on Amazon
Mar 4, 2008
Feb 21, 2008
3-Way Electro Yr Face
The band has become more electronically oriented in the last couple years, like some of their peers. Mo' money--mo' circuits, i 'pose.
From what I could find, the album is currently only available on iTunes, which I've seen happen before. Who'd have thunk Apple would be bringing the cutting-edge indie tunes to the kids? Luckily, it's an iTunes Plus album. You can also sample some tracks on myspace. Ug.
[mp3] Ssion - Street Jizz
from Fool's Gold (2008)
[mp3] Ssion - Opportunity Bless My Soul
from Opportunity Bless My Soul (2003)
2. Check out the live Klaxons / Rihanna mashup from the Brit Awards. Laser shows are cool!? Or is it lazer in England?
As advertised on Pitchfork.
3. Crystal Castles official release of their self-titled album has been pushed back, but you can pick up the Crystal Castles v. Health - Crimewave single all over the place.
[mp3] Crystal Castles - "Alice Practice"
from Crystal Castles (2008)
Download Crystal Castles v. Health - Crimewave: Emusic Amazonmp3
Preorder Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles: insound
Bonus Track!
[mp3] Klaxons - "Atlantis to Interzone" (Crystal Castles Remix)